Welcome to Roulhac's Preschool!
*Established in 1940*
At Roulhac's
Preschool, a comprehensive program is provided for preschool children, three and four years old, and a developmental
program for toddlers, ages twelve months to three years. Exposure to a variety of topics, people, and adventures
all contribute to a fulfilling school experience.

At Roulhac's, we strive to make each child's first years in school as
enjoyable as possible, sending them on to kindergarten well equipped academically, happy and eager to continue their school
careers. Our Preschool and Junior Kindergarten, serving as a transition from the home to kindergarten, provide meaningful
learning experiences in a cheerful, happy environment, instilling in a child a love and joy for learning.
Our web site is a terrific way to access the information
you need about our school. Whether you're currently enrolled or just curious about what we have to offer, you're sure to find
a wealth of helpful information. Take a look through our site and see how we prepare our children for a lifetime of
* * * *
Roulhac's Preschool and Childcare
Voted Best Day Care *
Memphis Parent Magazine
Family Choice Awards 2017 - 1st
Place Winner 2016 - Gold Winner 2014 - Silver Winner 2011 - Gold Winner 2010
- Bronze Winner 2009 - Silver Winner

Roulhac's Preschool follows the Shelby County Schools system for weather closings.
Be sure to check our website or FaceBook page, if in doubt. We will also post our weather closing on WMCTV.
Labor Day Sept
2 Veterans Day
Nov 11 Thanksgiving
Nov 27 thru Nov 29
Dec 24 thru Dec 26
Dec 31 thru Jan 1
Spring Holiday Schedule Martin Luther King, Jr
20 President's Day Feb 17 Good Friday
April 10 Teacher's
In-Service Days
May 21 thru May 22
Summer Holiday Schedule
Independence Day
July 3
Teacher's In-Service Days
Aug 13 thru Aug 14
Special Events
April 29
Kindergarten Graduation:
Summer Session Begins:
May 26
Roulhac's Preschool and Childcare
390 South Yates
Memphis, TN 38120
After 80 years of excellence, we're still in PRESCHOOL!
Roulhac's Preschool & Childcare
*Established before 1940*