Roulhac's Preschool and Childcare

Music Workshop

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Music Workshop
When today's world is in such demand for preschool education services, there becomes an increased awareness of the impact which early experiences have on children's lives. These experiences during the preschool years have a significant influence on how children emerge as adults.

Recent studies have shown a considerable link between music and intelligence, linking exposure to music to the development of the spatial-reasoning skills used in math and science. Other studies have shown music can improve intelligence and can enhance physical and spiritual well-being. It also has a popsitive impact on brain process, and an even more positive impact when children are exposed at an early age. It is a known fact that music aptitude is at its highest at birth and decreases with each passing year until age eight, at which point it stabilizes and the window of opportunity for affecting music aptitude closes.

Here at Roulhac's, we realize music education needs to establish a partnership with early childhood programs, thus creating a well-rounded education opportunity for every child. By incorporating a music workshop into our academic curriculum, we enable children to benefit from such an environment. By participating in the Music Workshop, Roulhac's preschoolers will be given another opportunity to learn... through music.

The Music Workshop will use music as a way to teach concepts and ideas to enhance what teachers are doing in the classrooms. It will also instill concepts, which are the building blocks of rhythm and melody. The influence of the Music Workshop will positively affect the overall development of each and every child at Roulhac's Preschool.

Music Class
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